Looking For The Most Amazing Business Assistant of ALL Times!
Hey… we’re looking for the right fit to become THE personal assistant to the CEO of our dream building company. This is a pretty amazing opportunity because if you’re selected…
– You’ll join our team made up of the most dynamic, professional, positive, good-hearted, and passionate world changers in the realm of business and marketing today.
– You’ll learn more about business, marketing, and how to make a huge impact in the world than you ever have before… and in super fast time.
– You’ll be stretched, challenged, and given the opportunity to really shine as the unique, hungry and passionate person you really are.
– You’ll get to attend insider trainings and private sessions led by some of the greatest minds in the world that help you grow, evolve, and succeed as a human being.
So if these EXPERIENCES resonate with you and you’re looking for a new place to call home… Then let’s get into the mission at hand.
We are the elite team of entrepreneurs helping _ people shape the world with their dreams by helping them clarify their Tribe and get their message to the world with leading edge technology – from websites to mobile apps to text marketing…
and we are growing at leaps and bounds so it’s a very exciting time.
Our CEO Liz Hester needs a NEW assistant that EATS, LIVES AND BREATHES Processes, Systems, Team Management & TECHNOLOGY. You would:
– Help create processes, systems and infrastructure for an expanding business.
– Handle all her scheduling and calendar stuff (it’s crazy… you were warned).
– Manage her email account (that gets 50-100 messages a day!)
– Communicate with high-level people and partners (and represent Liz)
– Work with other members of the team to get stuff done fast
– Patiently explain answer emails from less tech clients who need it explained again!
– Take great notes during meetings and presentations and get that stuff organized
– Be an all around support system for Liz and help her get her diverse projects up and running fast!
Here’s the bottom line.
You must be ON IT! You must be able to move fast WHILE paying close attention to detail (Liz moves fast. You have to learn fast and pivot with her).
You must be tech savvy and ready to get up to speed on new tech fast. Liz is an internet marketer, geek and tech and that combination is what makes her so valuable to her clients. You must be able to speak the language and keep up.
You must be super flexible and able to put your heart and soul into something… only to discover the next day we’ve got to come up with an entirely different plan and it’s time to get moving on that.
Essentially… you have to be ready to step up, be great, and kick some serious a$$. Because this is creative, worldwide business at it’s best and we only want people here who want to play on the A team!
Still with us?
Great… then here are the specifics of your opportunity:
You would be hired as an independent contractor and would start out part time – about 10 hours per week at $4.50/ hour.
You would work together with Liz for 30 days and see how it rolls. If you are awesome and a perfect fit, you’ll get a raise and most likely be brought on for more hours.
Again, this position is for someone TECH SAVVY and you must be up on Google Suite and Teamwork to communicate and keep up with Liz.
So if you want to apply, here’s what to do (and this is SUPER IMPORTANT):
Go to https://lizhester.com/teamapply and fill out the form where you will:
1. Tell us why YOU ARE AWESOME and why you would be a good fit to join this team.
2. Tell us what you have done in the past that makes you think you could excel at this position today.
We will consider applications on a first-come, first-serve basis. So if you want to jump on this golden opportunity to join the most amazing team of conscious entrepreneurs on the planet today… DON’T WAIT.
First movers usually get the prize… https://lizhester.com/teamapply