Results From The Trenches

6 Figure Business Card
“What do you mean you won’t sell me a website yet?” he asked in shock. You don’t need a website yet, I replied. What you need is a Free Consultation Funnel that puts hot leads on your calendar automatically…

How to to Roll Out Profitable, Sustainable Marketing That Pays for Itself
Before I show you the exact sequence to profits, I’m drawing a line in the sand Marketing can PAY FOR ITSELF and far MORE – even for the newbie! ‘They’ didn’t tell you that did they? But to be fair, they didn’t know either…

Just listen to Liz and get ready to RUN
“I came to Liz for a funnel and not only made 6 figures and counting, I also built a sellable business instead of a job.
She's created multiple converting funnels for me that paid for themselves and MORE in their first launch and have been in profit ever since.
Then she helped me build a solid client path to sell ALL my products with the Processes and Systems to maintain and improve the sales and marketing.
Just listen to Liz and get ready to RUN. Money loves speed and She builds 3 times faster than anyone in the industry with hard numbers behind her results.
Calling Liz was the best investment I've made in my business to date!” ~ Hima Reddy,
Three years later… “I’m so excited with the work I’ve done with Liz Hester.
I don’t know where to begin but I guess the first aspect is that you really helped me not just build funnels for products but really build an entire business that could be sellable if I wanted to sell it
The multiple funnels and products we’ve created together have more than a pay for themselves from the point of launch very soon after. And everything after that is profit, which is amazing. She’s also helped me create processes and steps and define roles in my business. It’s something that was lacking before, which again helps everyone on the team more efficient and more streamlined.
I’ve learned that if I just listen to her and her marketing genius, a lot of trouble is saved on my end as the talent if you will and as a product creator.
Overall it really has been an amazing experience.
When working with Liz, my recommendation is definitely to be ready to hit the ground running. She’s really really fast. I’m fast too but just be ready for that because it will surprise you.
Be ready to watch your business grow and explode. I’m super happy and thrilled with everything we’ve done so far. I can’t wait for future products.”
I highly recommend Liz Hester and her work!
She moves with lightning speed to monetize the gaps in my business while the window of opportunity is there and then widen the opportunity into an evergreen income source.
Let me tell you Liz is incredible at helping you build your online business they're unlike anything and it's this what we've done over the last few days is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. They're professional. The work and the detail that goes into the work and the amount that's condensed into that three-day period is absolutely phenomenal.
Everything pretty much has been built in three days and adapted and tweaked according to each person that was in the workshop, regardless of their industry and regardless of their level of expertise.
Thank you so much for helping us with the sections of our business that were the most challenging for us. Thank you!
Liz is exceptional on a couple levels. She really shows you everything you need. They helped us as a company completely streamline our process. We're going be able to turn out funnels in days instead of months that we were taking before. Especially what was amazing is that we're actually sitting down and doing the stuff so it isn't a lot of theory.
It's all application real world, And I think that's probably the best part because even though we're all in the same industry, everything was changed to fit our specific company needs, which is pretty incredible and the fact that they're actually giving you even copy and helping with that end of it as well makes it completely a no-brainer for you.
So if you're thinking of coming you are crazy not to be here and get this done for you and your company.
Hi there! My name is Terrie.
It is amazing what I've been able to receive from Liz Hester. Liz has been able to use her expertise in all of these avenues of my business. She helps me understand what it is that might be a problem and then she’ll either fix it or help me how I can fix it.
I have to say, went from where my business was and within the three short months, I have quadrupled everything that I’ve done and am doing between the products that I've created: the sales funnels, the lead generating that I’ve created — my following is increased i mean literally everything about myself and my business has totally quadrupled because I know it's because working with Liz, I didn't experience any of this any of this type of results working with two other companies that i was working for to the point I had to stop.
I’m telling you based on the results, don't hesitate working with Liz, don't hesitate asking her questions don't hesitate asking for referrals because each one of them will be just like me. I'm grateful that Liz is working with me and as a team together; I feel that I've been able to move up and move out and even larger than I even expected, so we're a team. And I'm proud to say that she is part of my team and i hope that you would consider her working with you too. So thank you!
My last web designer was a nightmare. After 12 months, all I had was a broken website that I was embarrassed to show the world. Liz talked me off the ledge aover and over and just made it all work! Now I have a site I'm proud to show the world and a marketing machine that keeps my phone ringing. Thanks, Liz!
I've been in business since 1997 and in those years I've tried and tried to become a marketer and I've really never been successful. I've taken classes from other people, I've thrown money and time at courses and rarely have I ended up with the product that worked.
After only three days, I have: I have a pile of lead magnets, I have copy for the lead magnets, I have $7-dollar offers, I have a $297-dollar offer, I have a VSL for my $297 offer, I have an upsell to my $997 box, with my free ticket to my event, I have an event and copy for my event website, I have a funnel system that from my event, people can get into my coaching program, my workshops and my Mastermind.
What has happened for me is I’ve taken an $800,000-a-year business that I've been stuck and haven't been getting out of orbit on, and now, I have a true system where I believe will do five and ten times in the near future.
What was it worth? I don't know? What does it cost me not to do millions of dollars for about 20 years?
If you're a brick-and-mortar person, a trainer, a consultant and you haven't gotten the leverage, if you haven't converted what you have onto the internet, to take advantage of the tons of people that are available, you can't afford not to get there. Clean up your calendar, delegate your work and spend 3 days wherever Liz will take you and get on the way to your next level. I'm glad I did.
I want to encourage everybody to definitely go to Liz's funnel workshops.
Liz makes this so much easier for you. My biggest obstacle was to automate my back end for my service. Going to this workshop took what normally would take anywhere from 6 to 12 months. They brought it down to a 3-day bootcamp which was absolutely phenomenal. They have templates for you to use. You just tweak it a little bit with your own copywriting. It really makes all the difference in the world. So, definitely get off your butt and attend her funnel workshop
We met about 8 months ago and after working with Liz, I really started having insights about other ways that I could monetize my business.
You know that it takes time, money and resources to build a successful business. Liz just really honestly helped me put two and two together and come up with different and effective strategies to drive growth both personally and professionally.
We've worked on clients together and more than anything, she's just really helped me realize some of the potential that I had that I wasn't really taking advantage of.
Liz is an awesome person. I’m thankful that we got to work together and we're still working together. We'll have a definite long and prosperous relationship. And you know what? She's awesome. If you get a chance to work with her definitely take advantage of it. She's a great person, great inspiration, great mentor. It’s been a pleasure, Liz.
A 20 minute phone call with Liz saved me thousands of dollars in development, untold headaches, and hundreds of wasted hours. She has an uncanny ability to listen to what you are saying but helping you focus on what you really mean. If you are having trouble focusing or knowing what direction to take to grow your business, call Liz!
Before Liz joined us, we were committed but we didn’t have anyone on our team that had already had online success before. Liz brought that dimension to the group, and she helped all of us to motivate each other. If you have a chance to have Liz on your team, jump on it!
Working with Liz has been life changing!
I had been in a slump for several months when I hired her and she has given me the tools to create a focused dream, grow in confidence about who I am and what I can do and has always encouraged me to go higher and to celebrate myself. Liz also created a kick ass website for me that blows me away!
Thank you Liz for helping me move into and live out my dreams.
I am beyond thrilled with my decision to hire Liz Hester to help me create both the personal and business life I want to live.
Liz brings to the table a unique combination of business, personal and intuitive background and skills. She has many years’ worth of technical background and skills as well as her own technical team supporting her to get whatever I need done.
In addition to her great background and skills, she has a very gifted intuition regarding both business and personal matters. She doesn’t hesitate to share her expertise and intuition when she perceives a best path to follow regarding any matter, and I implicitly trust her in these matters.
I give my highest recommendation to Liz for anyone looking to build their dream life.