The One Thing That Increases Calendar Bookings by 35%

Marketing 911

Did you know you can increase your bookings by 35%, in 7 days or less, by implementing one thing?

It’s simple! Businesses utilizing 24/7 automatic scheduling software reported a 35% increase in bookings (according to GetApp's survey). This AI provides instant gratification, allowing more people to schedule their appointments immediately, not just when the business is open. 

Many businesses have found that once they were able to take bookings any time, they pulled in a larger client base. Best of all, implementing the ai was hands off and starting the flow of appointments took less than a week..

80% of customers surveyed by Salesforce said that convenience directly influences their loyalty to a brand. 

In fact, 52% of customers would pick the next company if the first one didn't allow them to book on the spot. Not only did the customers appreciate the convenience of instant scheduling, they felt the company was making their lives easier by giving them exactly what they wanted, which increased brand loyalty and repeat business.

To followup, according to a study by Software Advice, 75% of customers preferred immediate confirmation of their booking, rather than waiting to hear back through a phone call or email, hours or even days later if at all. 

24/7 automatic scheduling’s immediate confirmation ensured fewer breakdowns in communication, scheduling conflicts, or double bookings.
Ready to supercharge your booking system and increase your bookings 35%? Our Groundbreaking Automated Booking System powered by Artificial Intelligence transforms your database into appointments and nurture potential customers into loyal ones in less than a week! Click here to fill your calendar – automatically, 24/7, with no risk to you,

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