Forgiveness work is a funny thing. I never forgave Tom Cruise for playing such bratty characters, but it wasn't Tom at all. It was those kids who...
Your Conditions are NOT your Reality
We are taught to look at our conditions around us to define who we are and what we can do. We think...I want to start a business, do I have the...
Does hard work REALLY equal success?
It's a loaded question isn't it? I'm a true American mutt. That means that I have ancestors that fought in the Civil War and a great grandmother who...
You CAN do it!
One of the great discoveries you and I can make is to find that we really can do something we were afraid we couldn't do. The barrier is something...
What would I love this day?
Joseph Cambell said that we must all learn to Follow Our Bliss. So in the morning, when you are just waking up, ask yourself, "What would I love...
It’s not Hocus Pocus…
it's where you put your Focus! In this frantic, busy world, focus can be hard to come by, so ask yourself... What would I LOVE? And every day, set...
Did you think that Gratitude was a state of being?
Well it is, but I've found it a state of action as well. Growing up, I thought that gratitude was something you felt or expressed after something...
Sometimes we need new friends
Who are your friends? If you hang out with goal setters and goal achievers, you'll find it much easier to set and achieve your goals. We've heard...
In every acorn is a Mighty Oak
I wonder how it feels to the sprout to push out of that hard shell, to make the journey thru the dark soil and into the light. Do some sprouts give...
Invest wisely
We know that our checkbook and calendar are the most true reflections of what we value. That's where is are truly spending our time and resources....
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