Whenever I start to feel overwhelmed or anxious - esp when pushing the boundaries of my Comfort Zone - I notice I'm taking short, shallow breaths...
What Triggers Your Abundance?
I am blessed to be able to work from home and I have a sign for my door that says "Working" so that the family knows when not to disturb me....
Butterfly Soup!
Did you know that in the process of transforming from a caterpillar to a butterfly, the creature actually dissolves in the caccon? She becomes soup...
One Tiny Shift makes all the difference
Even a one-degree shift in our thinking can cause a massive change. That change, six months down the road, takes us to a whole new place. If we will...
Choose Wisely … Dream BIG!
It takes no more energy to dream a big dream, than it does to think tiny ideas. Mary Morrissey I find this so true. It takes me the same amount of...
You just might be the miracle someone is looking for today
That's why I always make it a point to smile! Kira and I call ourselves SunnyGirls. We make it a point to beam our smiles like sunshine and it is...
The God Can
I can tell when I'm worrying over problems like a dog with a stinky, old bone. I go to sleep with my mind racing and I wake up on that hamster wheel...
How do you eat an elephant …
One bite at a time! But it is so tempting to look at the hulking beast and want to devour it in one swallow. What is your elephant? Today I invite...
Fear’s Starvation Diet!
Starve your fear and feed your Dreams! One day a young man was about to face an important rite of passage and he just couldn't sleep or eat due to...
Where’s Your Confidence?
If you advance confidently in the directions of your dreams, miracles will happen. But where do you find confidence? We can create a confidence...
Your Gift From Liz Hester
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