Following all the rules leaves a completed checklist. Following your heart achieves a completed you.” – Ray Davis In a world where there’s so much...
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Let’s Spiral Up Together!
"Today, focus the ruling state of your mind in an upward, aspiring, harmonious and positive spiral. Look for what resonates with beauty, delight,...
What’s More Important Than Breakfast?
Perhaps more important than even breakfast are the first few thoughts of the day --those thoughts we think when we first are coming out of our...
How do you find those slippery Core Values?
It's almost impossible to be happy without knowing and living your values. The key to playing a bigger, more meaningful game is being clear on your...
Dig Deep with Lincoln…
Abraham Lincoln once said that character is like the tree; reputation its shadow. "Many of us have chased after reputation or been concerned about...
What feels good, is good!
Have faith in your own essence even if you path isn’t clear at this time. It will be made clear by your attention and willingness. Your life energy...
Today’s Challenge…Make Bold Declarations about…
"Make bold declarations about what you can do for others"
Create Extravagantly!
"The creative process works day and night; It doesn’t sleep until the idea is completed. You cannot picture thoughts of poverty and expect in return...
Be Greater!
What is within you is greater than anything that is in your surroundings - Mary Morrissey
YOU are the one in charge!
"We have the power to control our experience, and by using this power we have created circumstances necessary to our upward climb. We mistakenly...
Your Gift From Liz Hester
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