…see the miracles that come from this one simple act. Now thankfulness is just the beginning; next, you’ve got to challenge yourself to produce. Produce more ideas than you need…
…Neves, HiringByDesign.com “Wow, Liz, I added it all up and I did $9000 in the first 7 days. It turned my whole business around and now I can move forward…
Earnings Disclaimer
…of doing better. Located within our website and program where specific figures are used and attributed to an individual, business or company – those actual figures have been earned. Again…
Just Because you want it means…
…little nervous in stepping outside my comfort zone, but then my Accountability Partner pointed out, Because you made that goal, Just the fact that you made it, means that it…
It’s not Hocus Pocus…
it’s where you put your Focus! In this frantic, busy world, focus can be hard to come by, so ask yourself… What would I LOVE? And every day, set aside…
Igniting Dreams by Uniting Tribes
…dreams that change the world. And we do it by attracting our Tribes to come play with us. So what does that look like? The Process is simple, but works…
Open up a space of trust and intuition…
…we are children we rush headlong into whatever idea comes into our head. We don’t have the history or experience to tell if that idea will really take us where…
Let’s Put a ZIP in the Day Today!
…up for a major event that I’m very excited about. I love presenting 🙂 But I spent the whole day on the computer and pouring my heart and soul into…
Let it be YOU…
…first and most important is to make a commitment to work on yourself. Are you going to improve or stay the same? No matter what you have achieved, you are…
Stranger Danger!
…it is common for well meaning people to tell you their way is the right way, you are too young to understand. I taught Kira about manners. I also taught…
Your Gift From Liz Hester
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