The REAL Measure of Success…

Jan 20, 2014 | Dream Building

tumblr_m19n99XJ2C1rspocdo1_500lies not in what you are reaping, but what you are sowing…

As Robert Louis Stevenson said, “Do not measure success by today's harvest. Measure success by the seeds you plant today.”

What is in the past is in the past. You cannot change the past. You can decide this moment, this day who you want to be in the world and plant those seeds.

Choose this moment to plant great, positive seeds in thought, word and action and you've already made today successful.

So go ahead, plant some seeds right now and tell me about them below to really plant them deep and water them in community. This is YOUR successful day!



For more inspiration, see my book, "Igniting Dreams"

How 52 Weeks of Inspiration and Action Can Lead You to Your Dreams

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