Are you tiptoeing thru life?

Aug 30, 2013 | Dream Building

TiptoeTo develop the confidence, I start tiptoeing toward my dreams in little ways first. Like listening to that voice that tells me I'm going to regret not taking the umbrella or the checkbook.

Then when it rains, I remember what that voice felt like, so I can listen more. As I learn to hear the voice in the little things, I develop confidence to listen in the medium things and then the large things.

Sometimes our conditioned response voice tries to pretend it is our inner voice of truth, but the more I advance with the true voice, the more I can tell the difference and listen to it even for the big decisions and not be swayed but (sometimes defening!) conditioned response.

Listening for the inner voice of truth BECOMES the conditioned response and now I can stride forth in confidence, where before I tiptoed 🙂 Namaste my friends


For more inspiration, see my book, "Igniting Dreams"

How 52 Weeks of Inspiration and Action Can Lead You to Your Dreams

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