it's where you put your Focus!
In this frantic, busy world, focus can be hard to come by, so ask yourself…
What would I LOVE?
And every day, set aside a little focused time towards that love and magic starts to happen.
I start my day with prayer and mediation. I get my protein shake and then I sit down and focus on our time together. What do you need to hear from me today? What do I need to say to myself through my writing to you! lol
I focus on our time together every morning because I LOVE igniting dreams! I LOVE seeing our dreams become technicolor visions and then reality.
So every morning I focus on that for you and for me, and every day, miracles happen, serendipitous connections come and our dreams become reality.
What would you LOVE?
It's not Hocus Pocus, it's where you put your Focus! Howard Caesar
Where are you putting your focus?
That's where the magic happens!