Fear means I’m growing!

Sep 26, 2013 | Dream Building

Get GrowingOne day Kira was very afraid of going to a new group and I asked her, “What is fear?”

She said, “Fear means I'm doing something new! But I'm still scared!” And we laughed.

Fear, like pain, tells us, “Watch out! Something is different! Do you really want to do that?!” But we get to choose how we respond. We get to say, “This is new and I'm ready to stretch and grow!” or, “This isn't the way I want to grow. Thank you fear for the heads up!” and that is it's own growth too.

Kira decided to try out the group that day and she had a great time and made new friends and I noticed that she had fun so much faster knowing that she, and not her fear, made the choice for her to be there.



For more inspiration, see my book, "Igniting Dreams"

How 52 Weeks of Inspiration and Action Can Lead You to Your Dreams

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