Can you start from ZERO and make it? I have…

Apr 4, 2013 | Dream Building, Marketing 911 | 0 comments

You know I've done Internet Marketing for years, but did I ever share how I started?

I was 8 months pregnant and working for 2 churches in Austin, Texas when one of them told me that there would not be a job for me when I got back.

Now granted, this was announced, out of the blue in a staff meeting and I was 8 MONTHS PREGNANT!  I managed to get away to the bathroom before I melted into a puddle of tears and – omg how am I going to keep my house – panic.

Then I washed my face, looked at myself in the mirror, and realized, “I don't want strangers raising my daughter. I want to raise my daughter.”

I had no idea how I would stay home with her, but people were making money online and I was going to figure out how to do it too. I sold my sewing machine for $1200 and got to it.

Fast forward 4 months, and I was making $60,000 a month!  From a seminary student and youth minster to internet marketer and stay-at-home mom in 4 months!

Yes, it CAN happen and I'm not the only mom to do it…

meet Krystal Taylor…

“I was struggling just to buy diapers and put food on my children's plates. I found GVO online and started following the training and turned my life around completely.  I had hit rock bottom 

and figured there had to be away out… searching on facebook one day I found the answer .. 

Joel Therien gave hope and meaning to my life again. .. If your on the fence take the plunge and see what he can do for you… if I can go from dead broke on food stamps to now making over $120, 000 in my first year online then you can too.” Krystal


Tonight, Thursday April 4th 2013 at 8pm Eastern time.


Click HERE to see Krystal LIVE

You've never heard me invite you to something like this before and that's because I hadn't found a system that I truly believed a Newbie could succeed with before.  And believe me, I've been looking for years for a system to share with you.

If you are a Newbie then you definitely want to come and listen to Krystals very inspirational story. PLUS, her outlook and attitude is very infectious!! She is such an amazing and positive person despite all her challenges!

And then please reply back and tell me what you think. I really want to know!

To Your Success!


For more inspiration, see my book, "Igniting Dreams"

How 52 Weeks of Inspiration and Action Can Lead You to Your Dreams

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