Be Happy!

Nov 21, 2013 | Dream Building

be-happyQuick! What just made you smile with that thought?

I'm remembering a walk down the block with my grandmother.

Grandmama had traveled all around the world and seen amazing things and met amazing people. I loved her stories of their travel and adventures.

This day we were walking down the street and suddenly Grandmama stopped and pointed down to a little puffy, pink flower and said, “Now THAT's a vacation!”

She'd been all around the world and in that one small sentence, she changed my perspective forever. Enjoying the beauty around you in that moment with people you love – Now THAT's a vacation!

What story came to your mind when you read, “Be Happy.” I often think of many different stories. So many happy times and I carry them with me always.

Tell me your story below!



For more inspiration, see my book, "Igniting Dreams"

How 52 Weeks of Inspiration and Action Can Lead You to Your Dreams

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