Dream YOUR Direction and Get Sailing!

Feb 21, 2013 | Dream Building | 0 comments

“To a sailor with no direction, no wind is favorable.” –Author Unknown

We create our life in two ways: One is out of design, and the other is out of default. If you don't design a dream for your life, then your mind will go to the default patterns of your previous thinking and it will shape your reality.
The Universe delights in giving you whatever dream you want. All you have to do is choose, focus and follow through.

What are you Dream Designing for your life today?
Mary Morrissey

Here's a great Dream Building Toolkit for you!
It comes with an audio class and dream building e-book.

For more inspiration, see my book, "Igniting Dreams"

How 52 Weeks of Inspiration and Action Can Lead You to Your Dreams

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