My life is my laboratory

Jun 20, 2013 | Dream Building

Laboratory-Equipment“My life is my laboratory” Mary Morrissey
What a fun concept! I see myself in a white lab coat with purple and green and clear fluids bubbling all around me. I’m one of those happy mad scientists mixing and taking notes to see what will happen.
That’s the fantasy, but what does a Life Lab look like in action?
It begins with a simple question:
If I were going to __________, what step would I take?
Take the step.
Ask, “What’s the next step?”
Children love to play the what if game. They have little hesitation to turn on thier imagination and try on a new venture. But my daughter gets frustrated in the execution. She lacks the life experience to know HOW to take the step. And that’s where mom helps with concrete ideas.
Adults, on the other hand, know steps, but so often we’ve been told not to dream that it is the question that is hard. We’ve forgotten how to try on a new venture in our imaginations. We can’t imagine what life would be like in that new house or with those new friends. That’s where Kira helps me dream.
Next time you get stuck and can’t even imagine outside your Comfort Zone, ask a child. What if we were to go live on an island, what would that look like? What if we were to quit public school and homeschool, how does that feel? What would we do?
And LISTEN! Engage in the play and you’ll start to see, If I were to move to Belize, I would research visas and immigration…

Dream, my friend, and Step, and it must come to pass.



For more inspiration, see my book, "Igniting Dreams"

How 52 Weeks of Inspiration and Action Can Lead You to Your Dreams

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