What Destiny are You Vibrating?

Mar 20, 2013 | Dream Building | 0 comments

rainbowDropDid you know that you are vibrating your ultimate future right now?
And did you realize that you can change that future in an instant?

“The frequency you are tuned to determines your destiny. It’s that simple. But seldom are any of us really aware of what frequency we are resonating at.

This is why I teach, “Pay attention to what you are paying attention to.”

Developing your awareness will show you if you are tuned to CNN “Constantly Negative News” o r Discovery or History or any other myriad of frequencies that are available to align yourself to. Some are denser, heavier, while others are more joyful, peaceful. You do have a choice!”
Mary Morrissey

I know that in my work with Mary I've learned that there’s one thing you can do today that will shift your vibration faster than anything else. Watch Mary's My Morning Mentor video, number 3 in our series together, to find out what it is!

For more inspiration, see my book, "Igniting Dreams"

How 52 Weeks of Inspiration and Action Can Lead You to Your Dreams

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