Feel that Inner Divine Welling Up with the Spring?

Mar 21, 2013 | Dream Building | 0 comments

MeadowTeaThis morning I decided that I am no longer allergic to pollen.  Spring is my favorite time of year and I will no longer let sneezing and snotty noses interfere with my enjoyment of the world coming back to life 🙂

As Mary said this morning, “There is an invisible power within you that you have access to. That power is your true self. It’s your divine self, your genius, and when you align to it, there is simply nothing you cannot achieve.”

As you feel your Divinity Blossoming with the Spring, what do you choose to achieve?

Here's a great Dream Building Toolkit for you to help you choose and focus!
It comes with an audio class and dream building e-book.
Check it out Now and Turbo charge your Spring!


For more inspiration, see my book, "Igniting Dreams"

How 52 Weeks of Inspiration and Action Can Lead You to Your Dreams

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