I’m excited to be alive

May 15, 2013 | Change the World | 0 comments

rainbowDropin a time where TOGETHER we can make such a profound impact on the world…

Let’s play a little game. Compare these 2 Concepts:

Concept #1
Facebook reveals “mutual friends”
(aka- that’s one ripple deep in Rippln language).

Concept #2
Rippln will reveal “connected friends”
that span 5, 10, 20+ ripples deep.

If there was a meaningful quest to help
provide fresh water wells to a struggling region
in Africa…What would be more interesting
for you to observe?

Checking your phone, and seeing the contribution ?value of only you and your mutual friends to the cause
(aka- one ripple deep)


Checking your phone, and seeing the cumulative ?contribution value of you, your friends, their friends, ?their friends, their friends…all over the world…
(aka- 20+ ripples deep)

Rippln is more than a revolutionary idea, it’s a movement
to connect the world in a more powerful, and more meaningful
way than has ever existed before.

We call it “ripples for good”…and you can catch a sneak peek now.

We are pleased to release this new, exciting 15-min Manifesto
Video. Our special guest is entrepreneurial thought-leader,
Jonathan Budd. This interview will dive into the gigantic vision
of Rippln to bring greater connectivity and transparency to the world.

Watch now: “Connectivity & Ripples for Good”

Ready to Change the World?
Got questions?
Call me 🙂

For more inspiration, see my book, "Igniting Dreams"

How 52 Weeks of Inspiration and Action Can Lead You to Your Dreams

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