I’m Taking My Own Medicine!

May 10, 2013 | Dream Building | 0 comments

130507 092621 63A friend of mine is going thru that hell time after a divorce and is having trouble finding anything to look forward to, any brightness in her day.

She is trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life, but with seemingly no light around her, she can't think of anything that would make her happy. As often happens around me, we started talking about what she can do to find her dreams and make them happen – esp when she can't see or feel them right now.

I know how that feels. It wasn't that long ago for me and while there is plenty of light around me now, I'm stretching and growing so fast these days, that my old conditioning is trying really hard to pull me back into my old comfort zone.

So today I'm taking my own medicine. That day I told Erin the best action she could take is to get a tiny memo pad and stick it to her like glue. Any time she has the tiniest shimmer of light, happiness or hope, she's to write it down.

The more she writes, the more she will see. And the more a Catalyst like me will see a pattern and be able to help her discern where her happy core is hiding and help her illuminate it.

I know my mission – Igniting Dreams by Empowering People. How that happens is currently in flux again. lol The Universe calls me in show up in many ways, but I feel a focus coming. My Conditioned Mind is fighting so hard because it feels the Focus too, it knows its days are numbered!

But while I'm see-sawing on the edge of my Tipping Point, I'm taking my own medicine. I'm pulling out my own tiny memo pad and I'm documenting my Happiness and my Light to clarify my focus, and to put those last nails in the coffin of my Conditioned Mind!

Take That! Joy is the Best Medicine 🙂



For more inspiration, see my book, "Igniting Dreams"

How 52 Weeks of Inspiration and Action Can Lead You to Your Dreams

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